Vendor Information
2024 Expo
Registration Opens April 1, 2024
ANNUAL WILDWOOD FIRE EXPO, 3rd Weekend in September
Largest Collection of Apparatus & Firematic Dealers, Merchandise and Products
on the EAST COAST.
Be advised there is a waiting list of exhibitors each year.
DO NOT DELAY your registration and payment!!!
We are only accepting vendor applications online (use the link above).
Registrations for Vendor Spaces are NOT mailed out. You will receive an email from the EXPO committee when registration opens in Mid-April. CHECK YOUR SPAM!
If you are registered on our site, then you will be included in the initial emails.
General information or questions from VENDORS can be sent via email to the executive committee members at:
DO NOT SEND e-mails to the webmaster asking for exposition information.
All committee members are volunteers and replies are handled in our limited spare time on a call priority basis. Phone Calls for GENERAL INFORMATION and SPACE AVAILABILITY will not be returned quickly.
**Repeat Wildwood Expo Vendors: You must REQUEST your spaces and any add-ons and PAYMENT in full must be received by July 1, 2024. You are NOT guaranteed any spaces or the SAME space unless FULL PAYMENT is received by July 1, 2024 After this date, Vendor spaces become First Come First Served. As well as incur a $50.00 late fee per space or booth.
Over 75% of our vendors have been exhibiting at the Wildwood Convention & Expo for many years and we value all of our exhibitors equally. The August 1, rule is being strictly enforced for Logistical and Pre-Planning reasons. The Committee cannot prepare maps, layouts, new vendor requests, newspapers, power grids, mercantile, personnel and equipment in just a few days before convention. The EXPO is a very large event and requires thousands of man hours to prepare. Your consideration and understanding is greatly appreciated.
**New Wildwood Expo Vendors: You must access your registration via the link above. Register your company information and your product. Your email address is your User name and you will need a unique password. Please Note; the email address you enter in the registration is the address that will receive all current and future correspondence from the exhibit committee.
**Vendor Load in: Thursday September 12, 2024 | 8:00AM - 5PM
Submitting your registration, requesting a space and making full payment DOES NOT guarantee NEW vendors a space. The committee will review your application and your request and advise you via email or phone if your request can be approved. TRUCK LOTS and OUTSIDE SPACES have a waiting list. If you request one of these spaces, we cannot confirm an assignment until after the August 1, 2024 deadline for repeat vendors. If your request cannot be granted or another suitable space cannot be assigned, you will receive a 100% refund on your fees. THIS EXPO IS NOT ON A FIRST COME BASIS, FMBVFA reserves the right to grant previous vendors 'right of first refusal' on some space assignments.
Wildwood EXPO gives preference to product dealers that will enrich the expo for all attendees. We are NO LONGER accepting NEW applications from Novelty Clothing & T-shirt Vendors, Novelty & Collectible Vendors, Toys & Games Vendors, Homemade Items Vendors, or Craft Fair Items. Current repeat vendors exhibiting any of these items will only be assigned their previous year tent spaces. Requests for additional spaces are being denied.
TENT AREAS: One 8' Folding Table is INCLUDED with all spaces in the Gated Tented Areas. Outside spaces DO NOT receive tables unless requested and rental paid. All Tables, inside and outside, are the property of FMBVFA and shall not be removed. Vendor tables that are removed will be charged to the appropriate vendor that rented the table. Chairs are available and vendors may bring their own.
Payments: Can be made via Paypal, Credit Card or Check made out to FMBVA can be mail to
PO Box 935
Wildwood , N.J. 08260.
Joe Cortese
Exhibit Committee
co-Executive Chairman
Aldo Sacco
Exhibit Committee
co-Executive Chairman
PO Box 935
Wildwood , N.J. 08260.